1st June 2019
How lila makes connection with the chanting?
We welcome you all to the japa talk. Of course, you had japa session also and now japa talk. This is japa talk. This is a part of our japa session. Today, we will talk about Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu dancing in front of ratha yatra. We will talk about pastimes of Lord which are sweet , brief and humorous.
Then you will all think what this lila has to do with chanting? Why talk of lila, this is japa talk, what is the connection of chanting and lila? Then I may not end up saying that lila but give explanation, why, how lila makes connection with the chanting. Yes, so it’s very difficult. It’s not possible to say. Ok, this is the name and we stop the name now and we are turning to the lila. This is lila, this is name. No, it is not like that. Name is lila and lila is name. Name is Krishna, lila is Krishna. So, you cannot say, this is name, this is lila this is pastime, this is quality, this is abode and these are some devotees of Krishna. In fact, this all is Krishna. This is Krishna consciousness, all is Krishna.
So, simultaneously you are chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna and also the purpose is,
‘shravanam kirtanam visnoh smaranam’(SB 7.5.22-30)
So, while chanting also remembering should be there. So, what are we remembering? We are remembering Krishna and the pastime is Krishna, the pastime is Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. So, it is said, well known fact, ‘harer naam harer naam harer naamaiva kevalam’. Only holy name, nothing else. Holy name is the only way. So that doesn’t mean harinama only and no pastimes, no lila or no archanam, vandanam, sakhyam, dasyam or atmanivedanam. We don’t care for other processes, only nama. That is misunderstanding which Jiva Goswami has clarified.
The way Jiva Goswami explains in one of the sandarbhas is meaning of harer namaiva kevalam. Only Hare Krishna he says, with every process, with smaranam- the chanting of Hare Krishna, with padasevanam -Hare Krishna has to accompany, with atmanivedanam -there has to be Hare Krishna. So that’s the meaning Hare Krishna is associated, has to be associated with all other processes. So, then we could understand with smaranam- there is Hare Krishna.
And deity worship is incomplete without Hare Krishna chanting or some glories of the Lord should be chanted or kirtan. You cannot perform arati if there is no kirtan accompanied during that arati. So holy name is everywhere. When remembering the pastime of the Lord, the holy name is there. Anyway, this is talk of siddhant or philosophy but there is pastime we wanted to talk or remember, one pastime of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu during ratha yatra.
Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, that pastime when Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is dancing in front of Jagannath’s cart. And He is doing ‘udanda nritya’. He is jumping high in the sky and then suddenly He lands, there is crushing on the ground. He has become center of attraction, of the assembled devotees in particular ratha yatra procession. How could they be thinking of anything else looking at anything else other that Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s dancing? Chaitanya Mahaprabhu begins going round and round on the ground while chanting and dancing. And Chaitanya charitamrita describes or compares Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s dancing with, sometime they hold there is a rope and at the end of the rope there is a fire ball a ball of fire and they move very swiftly, you get the feeling that fire is everywhere that one ball has made the round of fire.
Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was going round and round very swiftly and His body is also golden like fire, fiery flame, all those who were present there they were seeing a circle of fire. Circle of that golden form of Lord like a fire band. Then Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is exhibiting all the symptoms. Tears are coming from His eyes, like torrents of rain. As He is going round and round, the tears are coming out with great force of His eyes and all around devotees all around are getting wet like a shower. With the tears of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, they are all getting drenched; all drowned with the tears of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
In the middle of that kirtan, Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, He falls on the ground and begins rolling on the ground. And as He rolls on the ground that is like a golden mountain which is covered with dust, is rolling on the ground. That kind of experience everyone is having those who were watching Chaitanya Mahaprabhu rolling on the ground. Then Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu gets up again and dancing continues. And assembled devotees hundreds and thousands of them are watching Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s dance.
Jagannath in chariot, sitting in the chariot, also fully focused on Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s dancing pastime and the reason Jagannath Swami is looking at Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is, Jagannath considers Chaitanya Mahaprabhu as Radharani. Radharani is dancing in front of Jagannath who is in chariot. So, this is like a Rasa dance going on in the middle of Jagannath ratha yatra. There is Radha and Krishna. Radha on the ground dancing, Gauranga and Jagannath seated in the chariot.
So, procession is on. Everyone is moving forward in the direction of Gundica temple.
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu continues His dance. And there are devotees around, keeping the crowd away from Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. So, in order to keep public away who were also very eager to get closer and possibly touch His lotus feet or embrace Him. So, this public, eager public is to be kept away.
So, Chaitanya Caritamrta describes that there are three circles around Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. There are circles of devotees around Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. These circles are doing the function of fencing against, the fence off, stay away stay away. So, the first circle is created by Nityananda Prabhu. He is next to Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. And wherever Chaitanya Mahaprabhu moves and He moves like lightening. Nityananda Prabhu is right there and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu could fall on the ground. So, it is job of Nityananda Prabhu who is Balarama, He is Anantsesa, to hold or protect Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu from falling down or other people coming near to Him.
The second circle is of very close associates of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu like Kasiswar, Govinda and others who are holding hands of each other and not letting anyone to come near Gauranga Mahaprabhu. They are trying to keep them away. As they are holding the hands and they are also moving in circle around in second circle around Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
The third circle and is the outer most circle is of King Pratap Rudra and his men; he is the king and he has whole battalion around holding again hands of each other and protecting Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu from the public. So, as these three circles are active, all the members in the circles are actively protecting Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
As one-time King Pratap Rudra , he was leaning on shoulder of one devotee called Hari chandan. His name is Hari chandan and King Pratap Rudra is taking close look at Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. He is fully absorbed in relishing the beauty and the dance of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. And while he was relishing and absorbed in drinking the beauty of Gauranga Mahaprabhu’s form, Srivasa Pandita- he is Narada Muni, Srivasa Pandita came, he was also trying to find a spot somewhere to stand and meditate on Lord’s form. Lord’s dancing and visualizing Him. So he had come and he stood right in front from where King Pratap Rudra was watching the scene and that blocked darshan of Pratap Rudra.
So of course, he had no dehabhan, bodily consciousness, he was just concerned on I want to see I want to see. He did not know where he was standing and he was happily standing wherever he stood but then Hari chandan, one of the assistants of, follower of King Pratap Rudra, he started giving signal to Srivasa Pandit, “aye, aye, move, move King in the back. He wants to see, take a darshan or see the dance of Gauranga, move, move and he was trying to push Srivasa Pandita. So, Hari chandan was giving signals and yelling and trying to move him physically.
Initially Srivasa Pandit was so much absorbed in taking darshan, he did not take note that someone was trying to bring something to his attention. But finally, he did took note that someone from behind is pushing him, trying to get him out of there. And then Srivasa Pandita, a bit annoyed and he turned behind, he gave a slap to this person Hari chandan. Why don’t you keep quiet? Don’t you see I am taking darshan? Hari chandan, he had lost his temper too and he was about to react angrily. But then King Pratap Rudra stopped, pacified Hari chandan. No, no don’t do this. This is Srivasa Pandit. He is Srivasa Pandit and you are very fortunate that you are beaten up by him. I was not as fortunate as you are that he touched you. I wish he had touched me, he had beaten me. Don’t do this. He is Srivasa Pandit let him take darshan.
So then Hari chandan was pacified and then kirtan and dancing of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is on and they all moving towards Gundica temple. So, while chanting ‘Hare Krishna Hare Krishna’ japa, we should remember this pastime, also pastime of Gauranga which is non-different from chanting. Name is non different from pastime. This is how we chant the mantra meditation. It will be a meditation fully absorbed in chanting.
The holy name brings us to introduce us to realize the name is His form, His name is His qualities, name is His pastime. There is no difference with the Lord or with the soul as we are chanting with the Lord and we will be reunited we will be reconnected; this is Bhakti Yoga